French Title: Le Noël des Animaux
German Title: Weihnachten der Tiere
Category: Animated Feature
Length: 70 minutes
Technique: 2D
Genre: Pre-School, Comedy
Director, Writer: Camille Alméras, Caroline Attia, Ceylan Beyoglu, Oleysha Shchukina, Haruna Kishi, Natalia Chernysheva
Producers: Damien Megherbi, Vanessa Ciscewski
Production Companies: Le Valseurs, Luftkind Filmverleih
Countries: France, Germany
Funding: CNC-FFA, Régions Réunion, Grand Est, Ile-de-France, Procirep, MOIN Film Fund
Distribution: Little KMBO, Luftkind Filmverleih
This animated feature is composed of five chapters around the theme of Christmas, produced by six directors from all over the world.
2024 Filmfest Hamburg
2024 Annecy Animation Festival